Why Compassion is Irrational

Why Compassion is Irrational

Why Compassion is Irrational February 9, 2025 You and I have been conditioned to ‘think’ our feelings rather than actually feel them. But here’s the thing: feelings aren’t rational. They’re not meant to be. Compassion doesn’t happen in your head—it emanates from deep...
 Is Trust Scarce?

 Is Trust Scarce?

Is trust scarce?  December 8, 2024 I recently participated in an online business conference with Seth Godin, and he said something about trust that really struck me: “I’d rather be trusted than interesting.” While Seth was speaking about trust in the marketing and...
From drama to peace for the holiday meal

From drama to peace for the holiday meal

From drama to peace for the holiday meal November 24, 2024 Maybe you are super excited about the upcoming holiday dinner.  Or maybe you are like many people—dreading it because of the inevitable conflicts that arise when your family gets together…. …siblings competing...
I was torn

I was torn

I was torn November 17, 2024 I was conflicted about making a decision. On the one hand I really wanted to say yes to an invitation. On the other hand I had a long to-do list and limited time to get it all done. Sound Familiar?  If so, I have a cool tool to help you...