We are all one…mind
July 18, 2021
So this thing happened this past week and I wanted to share it with you as yet another demonstration of what happens when we trust that still small voice inside.
I got an email from two friends inviting me and my husband to a farewell party for a mutual friend who is moving. After accepting the invite I had the thought, “The party should be at our house.” Like most thoughts, that thought came and went.
Over the next few days that thought kept coming up for me. And I also noticed a few other thoughts pop up, like “Stay out of it, it’s not your business.” “If they wanted to have the party at your place, they would’ve asked.” “Clearly they have better plans..” and other such doubting thoughts that kept me from acting on my impulse.
A few days later as I was making dinner with my husband, the thought came in again and much louder. I told him about it and he replied, “That sounds like fun!” In that moment, I felt compelled to text our friends and suggest it, so I did.
And within a minute this is the reply I got.
For me this was yet another reminder of so many magical things, like oneness, synchronicity, trust and divine intervention. Most of all it reminded me to pay attention to and trust that small voice inside me that is always guiding me in the right direction.
It can be easy to quiet that voice, or even ignore it all together and allow the louder, fear based, negative thoughts to take its place, but the more I practice listening the more magic I experience.
Learning to discern which is the voice of trust vs. the voice of fear can be challenging but I am committed to it. (ha, just had another one pop in…these voices of wisdom are sneaky!)
Using the check in process helps to still the body and mind and create space for listening. Take a few minutes each day and see what comes up in your moments of stillness. And don’t forget to share with me. I’d love to hear all about it.
With gratitude,
Annmarie Chereso
Author, Speaker, Coach, & Meditation Teacher
PS: Feeling stuck and want a little more support? Let me know. I have 3 1:1 spots available this month.