The Most Important Relationship…
March 19, 2023
Not too long ago someone I love deeply walked out the door of my life without saying goodbye and didn’t look back.
No note, no text, no phone call. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Can you believe it???
I began writing the above blog to you (stay tuned for more on that one) and suddenly…….
I realized this is EXACTLY what I did to you, my loyal community last July.
Thank you mirror.
Now, I am not assuming that you ‘love me deeply’ or anything like that, but I did in fact just end our relationship without notice. I had told you last January that I planned to write to you weekly for the honor of you saying yes to being on my mailing list.
The truth is, for the last 10 years I have attempted to do this marketing thing the right way and all the marketing experts tell me that to have a successful “business” you MUST reliably email your list with valuable content weekly if not more.
I’ve spent a lot of energy “trying” to do that and I keep failing.
I have had a strange relationship with that advice. Kinda a push pull relationship. At times I buy into it and at other times, “I am like F*$# that. It’s way too much work, or I don’t want to annoy folks, or I don’t have anything valuable to say…or I just don’t have time! I have a family and clients and I’m busy damnit!”
Last January 2022, I planned ahead, wrote a month in advance and stayed on top of things. And when July 1st came I could not find it in me to write. I had nothing to say. I ran out of steam.
I let it go and said “Well it’s the 4th of July and most folks won’t notice. I’ll write next week.” and the same thing happened again and again.
And life kept happening. And I just slipped away without a word, just like this person in my life did.
And to be honest, you have been on my mind. A lot. My loyal list.
Since then, there has been a lot of resistance arising in the form of fear, guilt and even some shame leaving you without saying a word.
There has also been the voice in my head that said. “No one will notice, no one is listening anyway.”
What is true is that life is teaching me a LOT more about relationships, loving unconditionally, letting go and being human these days. It seems that has been a big theme in 2022 and continues into this year.
Most of all life has schooled me on what it means to trust it all and not be in resistance. To truly be in the flow of life.
Over the past 12 months, I’ve been given lots of wildly uncomfortable opportunities to practice leaning in and putting these spiritual ideas into practice and integrating them into my beingness.
What I will say is that the biggest lesson I continue to learn is:
The most important relationship you can master in your life is the one with yourself.
So that being said, I feel ready to start writing to you again and this time I am going to follow the flow of my life, share when it feels right and relevant and of service to both you and me.
I ask you to take what feels good and leave the rest.
If you are parenting human beings, in a relationship with another human being or part of any family system or organization that involves relating to other human beings my hope is that what I share with you is in service to supporting you in finding deep connection with yourself first and of course then with those you love. However, most of all I offer you this in service of you finding freedom in this lifetime, as liberation is what I believe we are all seeking..
And… I invite you to unsubscribe if this no longer feels of service to you and/or share with someone who you believe it is of service to.
Lastly, as a gift to those of you planning to stay with me, I am offering a FREE monthly sanga the first Sunday of each month beginning Sunday, April 2nd at 8am. I will lead a guided meditation followed by Q & A. I hope you will join me.
Wondering what does Sangha mean? Sangha is a Sanskrit word that means “community.” We will gather in community and practice together to raise our individual and collective vibration in support of healing and transformation for all.
Annmarie Chereso
Author, Speaker, Coach, & Meditation Teacher
“Annmarie illuminates our profound inter connectivity and reminds us of who we are in our essence.”