Mastering the Art of Willingness: Transforming Want into Action for Lasting Results
June 25, 2023
I almost didn’t write this.
My mind is so good at distracting me. It’s masterful actually. I am “late” writing this to you because each time I sat down to write this week, I found myself distracted by something else.
I forgot to answer that email!
I should order the groceries before I forget.
I need to call so and so really quickly.
Did I pay that bill?
I’m thirsty.
Maybe I should meditate again.
The list actually goes on and on. My mind is a landmine of thoughts and distractions that keep me from doing what I say I want to do.
And then I remember the difference between wanting and being willing.
Often I SAY I want something, to write to you weekly, to exercise daily, to get to bed at a particular time each night, to reduce sugar, to be more patient, to record my online course for you…
And I find myself violating my boundaries fairly often, making excuses and letting myself off the hook again and again.
The truth is I have not been willing to set aside the time to write to you this week.
This idea of wanting vs willing has been a true gift for me to help me discern what I am truly committed to in my life.
When I say I want something, I simply pay attention to the results in my life to let me know how serious I actually am because ultimately I know that I can create any outcome I wish for if I remain devoted and disciplined to it.
When I catch myself not aligned, rather than beat myself up I get honest with myself. I ask myself if I am not doing the things I need to do to achieve said goal, am I truly committed to it? If not, am I willing to let it go or do I prefer to recommit?
If I let it go, I allow myself to let go with a deep sense of acceptance and love knowing that this is just not for me right now and that is okay. It may come back if it is for me.
If I recommit, I pause and take an honest look at what choices I need to make to make the goal possible, which means I may need to let something else go and adjust other priorities.
This step may involve some grieving as letting go is not easy even if it is just a little something.
For example, to be truly devoted to my morning routine, which involves meditation, movement, writing, and reading, I am best if I am awake between 5:30-6:00 am to practice without distractions.
However, in the summer months, the flow is a bit different. I tend to stay up a bit later, and I wake up later with all kinds of temptations. The birds are singing and the sun is shining and I long to be outside watering my plants, taking the dog for a walk, biking on the lake, and enjoying the warm day.
This is when I challenge myself and ask, what am I willing to do to get the results I want in my life? Based on my past experiences, I KNOW that when I devote myself to my morning practices, I set myself up for much more success in my day.
When I take the time to be with myself and plant that seed of intention for my day, my life rewards me with results.
It’s truly that simple. All I need to do is make a choice.
However, it is way easier said than done in my experience.
I can say I am committed to going to bed at 10 pm each night but at 9:15 pm, when the temptation to watch an episode of Ted Lasso arises, or the dinner is going later than expected, or I am simply enjoying the peaceful moment in my garden, I can easily find myself rationalizing why I can stay up just a bit later.
Making the choice in the moment is the true challenge.
So this week, I chose NOT to write to you. I made other things more important. I busied myself and distracted myself and chose other priorities, and this morning I recommitted.
And I am grateful to you for reading this.
As I said months ago, my desire is that these emails inspire you in some small way. What I am learning in my life is somehow of service to you.
So this week I invite you to pay attention to your wanting vs willing list.
What do you want and what are you willing to do to make it happen?
Pay attention to the results, because that is where the truth lives.
With a load of gratitude,
Annmarie Chereso
Author, Speaker, Coach, & Meditation Teacher
Annmarie has created a profound learning experience. She shares vulnerably and authenticity, and generously from her own life and her laser-sharp coaching creates an ideal learning environment. I would highly recommend Annmarie for anyone who wants to deepen your understanding of yourself and enhance your relationship with your kids and just about everyone else in your life.’