Is doing nothing, doing something?
August 15, 2021
It’s been really hard for me to focus lately. My attention is very much in the future and I am noticing a few things about myself as I check in with my body this morning.
I start with my sensations. When I pause and check, I notice pressure in my chest and my heart feels heavy. I also notice my jaw is tight and I am aware of a huge knot in my neck and tightness in my hip and low back that often makes its appearance when I am stressed and out of balance.
When I check in with my emotions (heart) I am aware of some grouchiness (which is low level anger), some fear and some sadness. None of this is acute, it’s actually quite subtle in fact. However, when I get still and look I notice all of this occurring in me.
When I check in with my head the loudest most recurring thought I hear is:
There is NOT enough time!!!!!!
There it is! Once again. My mind has been hijacked by my fear that there is not enough time.
The thoughts that lie underneath my ‘not enough time’ thought are not dissimilar. “Summer is coming to an end and I’ve not yet fully taken advantage of the warm weather, concerts in the park and time with my kids before they go back to school. I did not get enough summer or DO enough fun stuff this summer. I missed out!”
Ironically, when I believe the thought, ‘there is not enough time,’ I double down and start doing more, get busier and create even less time for myself.
After years of practice, I KNOW that the antidote to feeling like there is not enough time is to slow down and stop ‘doing’. However I still find it challenging to slow myself down.
I am very aware of the little voice in me encouraging me to just push through it – just do one more thing and “you will feel better.”
I know this is not the answer so this week I am choosing to CREATE more time. I started with my morning meditation and doubled my practice time which felt really spacious this morning. I said no to a few obligations and I am taking a few days off next week to BE with my kids before they get back into school mode.
I am excited to slow myself down and DO nothing even if just for just a few days.
I know it is not always easy to say no as a parent. Our ‘to-do’ lists are long and we can feel like we are on a constant roller coaster of things that have to get done. RIGHT NOW.
If you are anything like me you have the thought, “if I just get this one more thing done, I will be relaxed.” Don’t let yourself get fooled as you know that the to-do list is never ending.
Give yourself the gift of a deep breath, a reset and a pause. Check in and see what your body is asking for. I promise it will tell you!
How will you create more time for yourself this week?
I will let you know how things went for me. I’d love to hear from you too.
in trust and gratitude,
Annmarie Chereso
Author, Speaker, Coach, & Meditation Teacher
PS: Know a young person launching in life? I will be restarting my Launch & Lift groups this fall. I have a few open spots. Email me at annmarie@bringithome.me to get on the list.
If you are interested in going just a bit deeper, I would be so thrilled to help! Sign up here for a FREE introductory coaching session.

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