New Year, New Relationship Model
Set intentions not just for yourself but for your relationships this year. Learn how one simple question can reduce drama, increase connection, and help you thrive in all aspects of life.
Step Into the New Year Clear
Navigate the transformative waves of 2023, where unexpected turns in significant relationships serve as a curriculum for profound self-discovery, surrender, and resilience, while casting a vision for 2024 invites you to lean into inner wisdom and embrace relationships as catalysts for spiritual growth.
A Radical Act of Generosity
Discover the transformative power of the Bodhisattva Prayer. Prioritizing self-care is a radical act of generosity with far-reaching effects on you, your community, and the world at large.
Tap into Your True 🌳Nature
Rediscover inner love
Stop Depleting Yourself & Your 🏦 Bank Account
Step away from holiday consumerism and into the heart of true generosity. Let’s redefine gift-giving beyond materialism, offering time, patience, compassion, and forgiveness to our loved ones and ourselves.
Let Your Family 🔅Enlighten You
Reflect on your relationship journey through 2023 that served as profound teachers, catalyzing significant personal growth and spiritual shifts and inviting you to embrace lessons in vulnerability, patience, compassion, intentionality, strength, courage, trust, and unconditional love, prompting a deep exploration of your evolving self.
What Does It Mean to Give Generously?
Discover the transformative power of generosity as a radical act of love, exemplified through a mother’s journey to understanding and accepting her daughter’s overwhelming moments, revealing the profound impact of holding the vibration of love amidst life’s challenges.
Free Yourself From the Chains of Resentment
Embark on a transformative journey from resentment to appreciation as I share insights into the high cost of resentment, the healing power of appreciation, and the process of unlocking true freedom and love by releasing the chains that bind your heart.
Why We Hang On to Resentments + the Cost of Resentment
Embark on a transformative journey from resentment to appreciation with insights on the costs of holding onto resentment and the empowering shift towards gratitude and emotional freedom.
What Gets in the Way of Gratitude?
Learn the powerful route from resentment to gratitude, with valuable strategies to transform your relationships and find more freedom in your mind, body, and heart, in this blog that helps you navigate the complexities of human emotions and offers a Live Complimentary Coaching Experience to help you let go of lingering resentments.