Ever Feel Angry With Your Spouse?

Ever Feel Angry With Your Spouse?

Ever Feel Angry With Your Spouse? April 18, 2024 We all get annoyed with the people we love. It’s natural. But what can you learn about YOU when you experience frustration? I believe this is a far more interesting conversation than what your partner is doing or not...
Lessons Learned In Motherhood

Lessons Learned In Motherhood

Lessons Learned in Motherhood August 11, 2024 A few weeks ago, I was talking to a friend who recently became a grandmother. {Yeah, that is happening to my friends now. I cannot wrap my brain around it. Yikes! Are our kids actually having kids?} Anyway, she was...
What Does It Mean to Mother? 

What Does It Mean to Mother? 

What Does it Mean to Mother? August 4th, 2024 You know, when my son was born 26 years ago, I thought it was my job to teach him a thing or two about life. But looking back, it turns out, ironically, he (and all my kids) have likely taught me more about myself than I...
How To Make Time For Everything In Motherhood

How To Make Time For Everything In Motherhood

How To Make Time For Everything In Motherhood July 28, 2024 Here is the deal. Being “forced” to choose will help you become more clear about what you really really want. Having to make a choice is a gift and allows you to be crystal clear about what your true...
Do You Really Want To Be Free?

Do You Really Want To Be Free?

Do You Really Want To Be Free? July 21, 2024 I may be dating myself, but remember 1982 when Nancy Regan told the schoolgirl to “just say no” when offered drugs. If only it were that easy for us. In Motherhood we all catch ourselves addicted to on some level saying...