by Annmarie Chereso | Dec 17, 2023 | Blog
Tap into Your True 🌳Nature December 17, 2023 Do you remember? At your core, at the source of who you truly are, is unconditional love. I invite you to go within, to that source, and remember. Join the seven days to countdown to the HOLLYdays with me between December...
by Annmarie Chereso | Dec 10, 2023 | Blog
Stop Depleting Yourself & Your 🏦Bank Account December 10, 2023 Are you depleting yourself and your bank account in an effort to be generous? Are you tempted to spend that extra $$$ in a guilt gift to make up for time lost, avoid the apology, or skip over the act...
by Annmarie Chereso | Dec 3, 2023 | Blog
Let Your Family 🔅Enlighten You December 3, 2023 Taking the time to slow down and do the opposite of what the culture requires is a gift! 🎁I invite you to take some time to reflect with me. How would you like to close out 2023 and step into 2024? The full moon last...
by Annmarie Chereso | Nov 29, 2023 | Blog
What Does It Mean to Give Generously?❤️🌿 November 30, 2023 What does generosity look like? Recently, my daughter was having a bad day. In her state of overwhelm, she tends to tantrum and catastrophize. Everything becomes a problem, she complains about the simplest...
by Annmarie Chereso | Nov 21, 2023 | Blog
Free Yourself From the Chains of Resentment November 26, 2023 If you’ve been navigating the path from resentment to appreciation with me, you will remember that last week I talked about the high cost of resentment. I said that the medicine out of resentment involves...