Modeling Is the Most Impactful Mothering
May 21 2023
I’ve been traveling for the past week; to my daughter’s college graduation on one coast and off to do college tours with my younger daughter on the other coast.
When I travel, it’s challenging to maintain my daily routines that keep me connected and grounded.
My daily practices are essential for me to tap into my power, energy, and source.
However, there are those days, particularly when I am traveling, when I just find myself in so much resistance to doing the very things I KNOW I need to do to feel aligned.
One such day recently, I decided to jot down a few things I can find myself avoiding doing:
Meditation – “I can do it after….”
Breathwork – “I don’t have time! It’s so hard”
Writing – “I have too much on my to-do list to focus.”
Walking – “It’s too cold and rainy!”
Limiting Netflix – “I’m tired and need to chill out for a change.”
Working out – “I’ll do it tomorrow…”
Avoidance is a form of resistance, and I’ve learned it’s an important thing for me to pay attention to if I want to access more energy and empowerment in my life and relationships.
When I give in to my resistance, I inevitably create some kind of drama with the people I love and regret it.
One question I like to ask myself when I catch myself in one of my avoidance patterns is simply;
What are you avoiding?
Oftentimes, I find the answer is I am avoiding saying no or holding a boundary with someone I love.
I then override my needs, get angry and blame or resent the very person I was unwilling to hold the boundary with.
Self-awareness and facing your avoidance patterns is the first step to take so that you can truly take responsibility for being empowered in all your relationships.
Which is why my morning routines and practices are core to my well-being.
Modeling is the most impactful mothering we can offer our kids and one another.
I know that I need to be sure to mother myself so I can be available to nurture and mother others.
When I am truly connected and fully plugged into source energy, I feel aligned, energized, invigorated, inspired, and more connected to myself and, consequently, those I love.
I am available for my relationships from an empowered place.
What are the things you’re avoiding doing that you KNOW support your well-being?
Take one step towards being more empowered today and make a list of those things that you know you should do but can’t always get yourself to do.
Then forgive yourself and move on with the day. Start again tomorrow.
Remember, this is not about being perfect; it’s about practicing being aware.
With gratitude and love,
Annmarie Chereso
Author, Speaker, Coach, & Meditation Teacher
“Working with Annmarie was a liberating experience. Not only did I learn how to use my body as a guiding tool to go within, but I also became more familiar with a part of me that I was never taught to recognize – my physical language. Thank you, Annmarie, for your wisdom, guidance, kindness, and stillness. Through your questions, I was able to find the answers within for what I needed.”