A Simple Reminder
Morning musings

Death, Rebirth & Resurrection
Easter Reflections

It’s Happening Today at 8am
It takes courage to show up for you.

Part 2: Lessons from Rejection and Resistance
I am learning more about loving and letting go these days.

The Most Important Relationship…
Not too long ago, someone I love deeply walked out the door of my life without saying goodbye and didn’t look back.

Can Allow Yourself— And Your Kids— To Be Wrong?
Why you should let yourself and your kids screw up early and often.

How to Know if You Are Parenting From Fear
Stop shoulding all over yourself and start opening your mind and heart.

One Mothers Journey From Fear to Faith to Freedom
How to find freedom and empowerment on your parenting journey.

Do you feel free?
Let this summer remind you what it feels like to be free in all your parenting moments.

Beyond the Mistakes of Motherhood
Modeling and mothering and meditation with Yael Shy.