
Divine Feminine Work

Wherever you are on your path, I am here to midwife you through the expansions and contractions of fear to love, teach you how to trust yourself and lead you back home to your true nature where all the answers to life’s big questions can be found.

I teach you how to cultivate seeds of self awareness, tap into your innate power and move past fears and limiting beliefs to enable you to step into your most divinely empowered self.

I inspire you to let go of your inherited and conditioned beliefs so you can show up in all your relationships from unconditional love.

I help you find FREEDOM.

I will challenge you to go deep, get to the core, cultivate compassion and open vulnerability to create lasting transformation in your life.

I give you permission to pause and offer you the tools you need to get still and listen for the wisdom within to lead you to your deepest truth. From there it may take a little courage and a gentle push to gain access to the freedom you are seeking.  I promise to be there by your side guiding you every step of the way.



Let your relationships lead you to Love.

All relationships are a dynamic laboratory for spiritual growth where we have the opportunity to deepen in self awareness, wake up and transform generations of familial patterns that get in the way of our divine power.

Our 1:1 time offers you a safe space to go deep, play, learn, grow and evolve into the empowered woman you are meant to be.

“I consider Annmarie not only a friend but a guide on my own parenting journey. She always lends a perspective or offers advice that calls on me to get conscious, release my own fears, and parent in a way that empowers my children to succeed and make smart decisons.”

laura berman


Television Personality + Love & Relationship Expert

“Annmarie illuminates our profound inter connectivity and reminds us of who we are in our essence.”

dr shefali


Clinical Psychologist, Author, Speaker & Teacher

“Annmarie knows what she is talking about because she practices and lives consciously as a parent and as an educator. I’m regularly inspired by both her insight and her courage as she continues to wake up to a new way of being with kids and then passionately passes that on to others.”


Co-Founder, The Conscious Leadership Group

“Annmarie has a great gift of knowing what young people most need to become conscious, thriving adults. She has thoughtfully created systems to support both parents and educators to be present themselves and support the presence of the children they lead.”


Co-Founder, The Conscious Leadership Group

Parents & Family Work

Learn to let go and trust yourself so you and your kids can be empowered and free.

Nothing has woken me up more than my parenting journey. My kids break me open, light me up and allow me to see myself more clearly. 

For years I looked to the ‘experts’ for the answers, for the ‘right ways’ to parent. Little did I know that all the answers were right inside me all along. All I had to do was get still, listen and trust; not only myself but my kids as well. For the last 23 years, my kids, step kids and grandkids have reminded me of an important lesson: to come back home and trust myself and as a result, they have given me the greatest gift of all FREEDOM.

Caution: I will challenge you to go deep, get clear and walk away feeling empowered and free.



Parenting is a partnership and a dynamic laboratory for growing in self awareness, deepening our personal growth, transforming generations of familial patterns and learning to trust yourself.

Our 1:1 time offers you a safe space to go deep, play, learn, grow and evolve into the empowered parent and person you are meant to be for you and your child.

“Annmarie helped me move from the unconscious to the conscious in my parenting. By looking at stuck patterns that warranted the same undesired results, Annmarie helped me become more aware of not only my kids behavior but my own. Because of her, I was able to shift out of auto pilot and create meaningful change for the whole family.”


I worked with Annmarie on some parenting issues I was experiencing regarding boundaries with my two teen sons. She truly listens and holds you responsible for your part of the equation. She’s just fabulous.


My favorite thing about Annmarie Chereso is her brilliance at bringing focus back to the here and now – through attention to the breath and body.


Working with Annmarie was a liberating experience. Not only did I learn how to use my body as a guiding tool to go within, but I also became more familiar with a part of me that I was never taught to recognize – my physical language. Thank you, Annmarie, for your wisdom, guidance, kindness, and stillness. Through your questions, I was able to find the answers within for what I needed.


Being coached by Annmarie has been life-transforming. Using a nurturing and exploratory approach, she teaches me how to see outside of my own perspective and to see life on a larger scale.  With guided tools and exercises, she has taught me how to build the muscle for noticing the drama in my life and taking 100% responsibility for it.  Annmarie’s ability to be in the here and now and provides a welcoming space to help you to create the life that you desire.


Annmarie is passionate and relentless in her pursuit of truth and responsibility and challenges participants to bring forth their most authentic selves, This group was at once a necessary oasis, a personal challenge, and an incredible experience that continues to stretch me personally. I am so grateful to take part.”


My work with Annmarie has facilitated me in making powerful shifts in my relationships, my career, and my family. I’ve made meaningful changes in my life that have decreased stress and drama. My experiences with Annmarie have improved my loving connection with my children, my husband, and myself. She’s been a trusted ally, supporting me on my journey of stepping into my most powerful and authentic self.

donna placio


With Annmarie’s guidance, I  learned how to have courageous, timely conversations that went deep and to feel and talk my way through contentious issues around “touchy” topics like trust and reliability.  Annmarie held my feet to the fire and helped me get to the other side. I’ve grown thanks to the safe space Annmarie created for me to open up and share what was true for me, even when it felt scary to do so. And now that I know how to do the work myself, I am much stronger and better equipped to help others. Annmarie is a strong, courageous, fun and very skilled coach.


“The other day my 16 year old said “I’m so happy right now.” I asked her if it was for any specific reason, and she said “I just really like our family right now. It feels good.”

I KNOW that the work you are sharing has contributed to this, because I also feel the same as my daughter- I’ve not been so reactive with the kids and I’ve gotten SO much better at being responsible for my experience, and not blaming my family members! Thank you!!


“Annmarie has created a profound learning experience. She shares vulnerably and authenticity, and generously from her own life and her laser-sharp coaching creates an ideal learning environment. I would highly recommend Annmarie for anyone who wants to deepen your understanding of yourself and enhance your relationship with your kids and just about everyone else in your life. “


Annmarie created a powerful and safe space that led to an intimate community committed to supporting each other. I saw women open up and share their most intimate struggles and move in a concrete way toward change. 

Annmarie invites you to create a vision for what you want as a parent and in your family.