What if You Stop Playing the Blame Game
April 28, 2024
Do you ever just have one of those days?
It was one of those days.
I was in a mood, and things were not going the way I had planned. I was getting myself annoyed, but immediately started to become aware of those familiar voices of blame inside me.
“If ‘they’ did this instead of that, then this would not be happening and my day would be going better and I would not be so annoyed and stressed!”
I realized I was starting to spiral into my Zone of Disempowerment.
Do you ever play the blame game?
- I can’t believe he did that!
- This never would’ve happened if she hadn’t….
- If she would’ve stayed home and studied instead of going out, she wouldn’t have failed!
- If they had done their job, I wouldn’t have missed my deadline!
Take a minute and do a brief inventory of your life and relationships. Look for all the ways you could be consciously or unconsciously blaming someone or something for what is occurring right now.
When you become aware of those thoughts of blame, notice the sensations in your body.
No judgment. Remember, this is the awareness game. You are simply noticing and observing.
When you allow yourself to spend your precious time on blame, you are in the Zone of Disempowerment, draining your most valuable resource, your life force energy.
There is, in fact, another option, another choice, when you are aware. It begins with a different point of view.
What if everything was actually happening for you ?
What if the lie, the red light, the misuse of money, the cheating, the car accident, or the banking error, was exactly what you needed to grow, shift, expand, and evolve?
To become more authentically empowered?
To remember who you truly are?
What if what felt like a detour was actually a friendly redirection?
What if life was unequivocally happening FOR your highest good?
What if there was no one to blame?
Then what would you do?
You might ask questions like:
Hmm, I wonder why this is happening right now? I wonder what I am here to learn? I wonder how this situation is FOR me?
You might lean into your higher self for guidance and support.
You might let go of anger, resentment, righteousness, and fear.
You might let go of trying to be right and step into the zone of curiosity.
You might expand your awareness.
You might Drop the Drama in your mind and life and step into a more empowered version of yourself.
And then…
You might experience more liberation and find true freedom.
You might experience more joy, abundance, connection, and love.
You just might.
All it takes is your willingness and awareness.
It starts here.
Drop The Drama and let your relationships be a catalyst for your awakening.
in trust and gratitude,
Annmarie Chereso
Author, Speaker, Coach, & Meditation Teacher
PS: Know a young person launching in life? I will be restarting my Launch & Life groups this fall. I have a few open spots. Email me at annmarie@bringithome.me to get on the list.
Annmarie has created a profound learning experience. She shares vulnerably and authenticity, and generously from her own life and her laser-sharp coaching creates an ideal learning environment. I would highly recommend Annmarie for anyone who wants to deepen your understanding of yourself and enhance your relationship with your kids and just about everyone else in your life.’
If you are interested in going just a bit deeper, I would be so thrilled to help! Sign up here for a FREE introductory coaching session.
Want to plant a seed of trust in a little one’s life? Grab a signed copy of Little Seeds Journey to set them on the path.