What is Your Relationship Curriculum This Year?
January 28, 2024
The holidays have simmered down, and the new year’s intentions tend to do the same about this time of year.
Don’t give up on your New Year, New Relationship to your relationships, intentions.
In my December 31 blog, I invited you to get clear on your vision for what you want in your most significant relationships in 2024 and offered you a worksheet to create your 2024 Relationship Vision Cast. (you can go to the blog here and grab the worksheet now!)
As we end the first month of the year, I encourage you to take a few moments to check in and journal the following questions to stay aligned with your relationship intentions.
1. What do you really want from your relationships this year, and what are you willing to do to co-create that?
Remember that relationships are dynamic and require both people to be active participants in co-creating what it is they want. Taking responsibility for what YOU are willing to do is how you stay empowered. Knowing what you want and being clear about it is fundamental to getting what you desire.
2. What you need to be who you need to be to get what you want in your relationships?
Creating the conditions for your success is up to you. Sometimes we are afraid to face, own, and name what we need for fear that we cannot get it. Knowing what you need to fulfill your relationship desires is key to your success. Start by getting clear within yourself.
- What do you want more of?
- What do you want less of?
- What do you need to feel fulfilled?
- What are you willing to do to create the conditions for getting what you most desire?
3. What habits and patterns do not serve this relationship?
Are you addicted to relationship drama because you were not taught how to truly connect as a child? Your childhood patterns are the blueprint for your adult relationships.
As an intimate partner
As a parent
As an adult sibling
As a friend
As a professional
Do you know what you learned about love and intimacy from your family of origin? What did you learn about conflict, expressing your emotions, and getting your needs met?
What you learned when you were 6 is how you relate today. This is not a problem; however, being unaware of these patterns can become problematic in relationships with others, no matter who they are to you.
4. What patterns have you created to keep you safe and secure? Are you even aware?
Discovering what you do to keep yourself safe and secure in your adult relationships helps unlock your childhood wounding so that you can heal and move into healthier and more fulfilling adult relationships.
You can learn to create freedom within and liberate yourself from old dysfunctional patterns so that you can experience a deeper connection and more fulfillment.
Drama is an alternative to authentic connection, but often we create it because it is the only way we know HOW to connect.
Using our relationship drama’s as a portal to self-awareness is the key to transforming your relationships and your life.
Which is exactly why I created my new course Drop the Drama.
In this course, I teach you how to take back your power in all your relationships using one simple question to bring awareness to the patterns of disempowerment that often lead to drama in your life and relationships so you can experience more freedom and true self-empowerment in all areas of your life.
Here is what one participant is saying as she moves through the course.
“I love this course. Thanks Annmarie, for sharing it. The bit-size learning is manageable and gives me a nugget each time. I have been working on filling out the relationship inventory and have realized how many negative feelings I have for a handful of people. WOW! The common denominator here for everyone is ME. Work to do and looking forward to it.”
In this 8-week course, I send you weekly 15-20 minute lessons to easily apply and integrate into your life and relationships so you can get real-time lasting and impactful results that make a difference. You will learn to identify and take steps to shift old disempowering patterns that co-create drama in your relationships and take your power back so that you can feel more connected.
I know that your relationships matter to you.
Enroll today and make 2024 the best relationship year of all
I’ll be with you every step of the way.
Can’t wait to see you inside!
Deep gratitude!
Annmarie Chereso
Author, Speaker, Coach, & Meditation Teacher
“Annmarie helped me move from the unconscious to the conscious in my parenting. By looking at stuck patterns that warranted the same undesired results, Annmarie helped me become more aware of not only my kids behavior but my own. Because of her, I was able to shift out of auto pilot and create meaningful change for the whole family.”