The Greatest Advice My Mother Never Gave Me
May 12, 2024
I am so grateful for what I learned from being my mother’s daughter. I am lucky to be celebrating my 54th year as my mother’s daughter this Mother’s Day with my mother who is 81 years on this planet.
Things were a bit different back when my mom began her mothering journey at 18 years old.
Back then, there were no “tools,” “workshops,” “courses,” or “support groups” for mothers to learn how to mother “better” or be more “conscious.”
There was literally just love and survival and the wisdom passed down from their mothers.
However, I’ve learned a few things that I imagine my mother wished she had known when she was a young parent.. I certainly wish I’d learned them earlier..
The greatest advice my mother never knew to give me (that I’ll tell my daughters):
- Mothering is messy. No way around it. Welcome the mess.
- Motherhood challenges are invitations to grow, expand, evolve and learn. Don’t be afraid of them. They are here for your growth.
- Motherhood is a journey of Self-Empowerment.
- Motherhood will break your heart again and again.
- It is not in your control, no matter how much you may think it is.
- Don’t rush the MOMents. You’ll never get them back.
- It is not supposed to be easy, period. Don’t plan for easy.
- Your children will forever be your most loyal teachers.
- Perfection is a myth. Shoot for authenticity.
- There is no love like the love in motherhood. It is the single greatest adventure of a lifetime, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
So I’m curious to hear…What are some of the most important lessons you learned from your mother?
I’m going to pose this same question on social media this week. I invite you to chime in by sharing the most important lessons you learned (or didn’t) from your mother so we can all benefit from the collective motherly wisdom.
in trust and gratitude,
Annmarie Chereso
Author, Speaker, Coach, & Meditation Teacher
Annmarie has created a profound learning experience. She shares vulnerably and authenticity, and generously from her own life and her laser-sharp coaching creates an ideal learning environment. I would highly recommend Annmarie for anyone who wants to deepen your understanding of yourself and enhance your relationship with your kids and just about everyone else in your life.’
If you are interested in going just a bit deeper, I would be so thrilled to help! Sign up here for a FREE introductory coaching session.
Want to plant a seed of trust in a little one’s life? Grab a signed copy of Little Seeds Journey to set them on the path.