New Year, 🧧New Relationship Model
January 14, 2024
By now you have likely set all kinds of intentions for yourself in 2024.
However, have you also set clear intentions for your relationships?
What if I told you you could change your life and relationships this year with just one simple question?
I know you can because I use this question every moment of every day to reduce drama and increase connection in all my relationships.
Jim Rohn is famous for saying that: You are the sum of your 5 closest relationships.
” The people we spend time with influence us more than we realize. Look at your closest friends and family. Do they uplift and inspire you, or do they bring you down?”
We all know Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. You cannot truly self-actualize when your needs for Love & Belonging have not been met. This year I am inviting you to get clear on the health of your relationships so that you can truly thrive in all areas of your life.
Can you identify the 5 most significant relationships in your life? Is it your significant other? Your kids, your best friend, your mom or dad, your sibling? Who makes the list?
How healthy are those relationships? Do they feed you, and lift you up or drag you down? Are you deeply satisfied and fulfilled? Is the relationship rooted in authenticity and reciprocity? Are you truly getting your needs met?
Or do you find yourself caught in dysfunctional, dissatisfying patterns often leaving you drained and depleted? Do you feel like you are settling for less than you desire and longing for more?
When your relationships are unstable, out of balance and filled with drama you will notice that you are less focused, have less energy, are less motivated and distracted. You are not your full self.
Think about the last time you had a fight with someone you loved. How much time and energy did you spend thinking about what he said/she said, did or didn’t do? How much energy did you spend ruminating about the event? How much time did you spend talking about it with others or trying to figure it out?
Relationship disconnection costs us our most precious resource; time and energy.
To maximize your energy, and increase your opportunity for authentic success in life, your relationship health matters!
Which is exactly why I created my new course Drop the Drama.
In this course, I teach you how to take back your power in all your relationships using one simple question to bring awareness to the patterns of disempowerment that often lead to drama in your life and relationships so you can experience more freedom and true self-empowerment in all areas of your life.
Here is what one participant is saying as she moves through the course.
“I love this course. Thanks, Annmarie, for sharing it. The bit-size learning is manageable and gives me a nugget each time. I have been working on filling out the relationship inventory and have realized how many negative feelings I have for a handful of people. WOW! The common denominator here for everyone is ME. Work to do and looking forward to it.”
In this 8-week course, I send you weekly 15-20 minute lessons to easily apply and integrate into your life and relationships so you can get real-time lasting, and impactful results that make a difference. You will learn to identify and take steps to shift old disempowering patterns that co-create drama in your relationships and take your power back so that you can feel more connected.
I know that your relationships matter to you.
Now is the only moment that matters.
Enroll today and step into the new year clear!
I’ll be with you every step of the way.
With deep-gratitude,
Annmarie Chereso
Author, Speaker, Coach, & Meditation Teacher
PS: Know a young person launching in life? I will be restarting my Launch & Life groups this fall. I have a few open spots. Email me at annmarie@bringithome.me to get on the list.
“Annmarie knows what she is talking about because she practices and lives consciously as a parent and as an educator. I’m regularly inspired by both her insight and her courage as she continues to wake up to a new way of being with kids and then passionately passes that on to others.”