How To Make Time For Everything In Motherhood
July 28, 2024
Here is the deal. Being “forced” to choose will help you become more clear about what you really really want. Having to make a choice is a gift and allows you to be crystal clear about what your true priorities are.
This is the fast track to authentic joy and true freedom.
However, along the way you also need to learn how to properly grieve because when you choose one thing you are letting another go. Which I have found to be really heartbreaking ❤️🩹.
When you choose out of alignment with your highest self, you will likely experience drama in one form or another.
Let’s say you receive 2 invitations and need to make a choice about which one to accept.
You are most excited about one of the two but feel some obligation to attend the other.
The desire not to go may bring up old feelings of guilt or shame.
To avoid feeling these uncomfortable feelings your mind might try to figure out a way to do both, or you may spend a lot of time and energy trying to figure out how to get out of the second Invitation without hurting the hosts feelings. You may spend a lot of energy justifying internally or talking to others explaining why you can’t go to both.
All of these “avoidance strategies” are designed to keep you from feeling the discomfort of actually choosing.
Because it can be uncomfortable.
However when you are clean, clear and direct with kindness, of course you can let go of the attachment to being perceived as kind or whatever image you are working to protect.
Then you are free to say yes to what most excites you.
When you choose to step into that which most excites you, you raise your vibration and contribute to the well being of all.
This is definitely not selfish.
Your energy, your aliveness matters! It is your contribution to your relationships so the less time you spend on debating and deliberating the drama the more free you can be.
Sometimes I have a hard time choosing. I often find I want to do it all and have it all.
But lately I have come to realize that trying to do it all is draining me.
I’ve had to sharpen my skills and get back to making tough choices that sometimes disappoint people I care about.
However I know that I must put myself at the top of that list if I’m truly committed to reducing drama in my life and increasing liveliness, joy, and love.
Sometimes when you say yes, even though you want to say no, you end up unconsciously resentful– bringing that energy into the relationship with you.
When the stress builds and you might get triggered and lash out saying I didn’t want to be here anyway!!
Or you are late,
Or you are grumpy,
Or you are distracted,
Or you are multitasking.
When you say yes even when you don’t want to- you do not bring your full self along.
You bring the part of you that feels like you should go…
Imagine bringing a small child to an event they don’t want to be at! They will pout, kick, scream, distract and interrupt asking 100x when can we go home?
This is the part you bring with you when you say yes when you want to say no.
When the small child is excited about going they are cooperative, willing and available.
Saying yes with your full self is a gift to everyone.When all your parts are on board completely you are like a compass pointing you in the direction of full joy.
When you are fully lit up and in the vibration of joy you light up everything around you. This is how you can authentically and joyfully show up for yourself and others in your life.
in trust and gratitude,
Annmarie Chereso
Author, Speaker, Coach, & Meditation Teacher
Annmarie has created a profound learning experience. She shares vulnerably and authenticity, and generously from her own life and her laser-sharp coaching creates an ideal learning environment. I would highly recommend Annmarie for anyone who wants to deepen your understanding of yourself and enhance your relationship with your kids and just about everyone else in your life.’