Death, Rebirth & Resurrection
April 9, 2023
While we may have modern day associations on this day like egg hunts, bunnies and brunch, the theme of death and resurrection marks the Easter season.
And this of course is a simple reminder that the only thing we can really truly prepare for in life is the inevitable nature of change and transformation. Springtime is the ultimate reminder as the crocus and tulips once again begin to emerge.
But also of course, this is true in life and in our relationships.
Just the other day, I opened the door to let the dog out and it was a balmy 70 degrees in April in Chicago! In my book, that is a huge gift. My entire mood shifted. I left the door open, cracked my windows, joined the birds in a little song, and had a little extra skip in my step that morning. I began imagining all the things I would do when my work day ended that afternoon.
My good friend Michelle came by at lunch and when I suggested we eat outside she mentioned that the weather was about to shift. And boy did it shift – in a matter of minutes! I found myself grabbing a sweater & quickly closing the doors and windows in my house and in my heart. (I just love a fun metaphor!)
Immediately I noticed my body subtly constrict at the thought of the weather shifting, along with my dreams of what I planned to do that afternoon. I was so disappointed. “What? Wait, I didn’t do all the” things” yet”. I could feel all the resistance in my body, mind and I could feel my heart break just a little bit.
I had to let go of all the fantasies I had in mind for the day and reimagine something else.
And this reminded me of all the ways big and small we navigate death and rebirth in our lives and relationships.
When our babies learn to walk, our kids go off to college, get married, our relationship status changes, our parents age, we move, our friendships take new shape, our jobs come and go, we experience both an end to something and a beginning. In life there is always something dying off to make space for something new. And each one of these milestones is an opportunity to courageously practice the art of letting go and surrendering and embracing a new possibility.
I gotta admit that some of these are easier to let go of and embrace than others. As human beings we become attached to the comforts of our predictable lives. There is safety and security in the known.
And I for one really prefer predictable. However, I am committed to my freedom and being in flow and to be free means to be detached and go with the natural flow of life. This requires me to be aware of my attachments and rather than resist change, open myself up to it, like it or not.
So to build that muscle, I practice being aware of the small moments, like the other day with the weather, to be prepared for the inevitable bigger moments life reliably delivers. This is how I see every moment in life as a potential teacher.
Which leads me to this.
I am on day 6 of my ‘40 days of devotion challenge’ (that I am participating in with a group I am a part of). In my daily meditation, I’ve been asking myself this one question:
What do I need to let go of or let die so something new can arise?
I sit for a few moments, journal what comes forward and just watch the thoughts that arise and the emotions that follow, and the resistance creep in, as I imagine letting go…
Some of my recent letting go themes:
- our home of the last 10 years (as the nest becomes empty)
- my old mothering role to make space for a new one
- the desire for an old friend to be different
- the need for certainty about next steps
- my need for my kids to not struggle
- shifting a co-dependent relationship dynamic
What about you? Maybe you would like to give it a try?
I invite you into this inquiry with me for maybe just a day or perhaps join me in the next 34 days of devotion…
Choose a quiet place, grab a journal and a pen, be still and listen.
Is there something in your life, or relationships that needs to die or be let go of so that something new can arise?
Make room for curiosity and perhaps create space for some tears. Be open and welcome it all.
I’m so excited to see what you make space for.
PS: We meet in The Meditation Salon the first Sunday of every month to practice together and plant a seed of unconditional love. This month we are cultivating courage. You can catch up anytime at this link. Come join us! It’s my gift to you.
Annmarie Chereso
Author, Speaker, Coach, & Meditation Teacher
“Annmarie has a great gift of knowing what young people most need to become conscious, thriving adults. She has thoughtfully created systems to support both parents and educators to be present themselves and support the presence of the children they lead.”