Remind Your Mind
May 7, 2023
Do you ever feel out of control in your relationships?
I was in my weekly yoga practice with my dear friend and yoga teacher Amy Owen. She prompted a headstand.
Getting into a headstand is typically not too challenging for me, but coming down with ease and control can be challenging. I often lose my core engagement and drop my legs pretty abruptly.
Each week it is a goal of mine to improve this and what I notice is that I pretty reliably catch myself thinking “Uh oh, I can’t do this, I’m not strong enough.”
This week as I went into my headstand, I caught myself thinking something new:
I am strong and in control.
And low and behold, I came out of my headstand slowly, ease-fully and with incredible strength and control.
And then, I did a little internal happy dance.
Now, I KNOW the power of the mind and its relationship to our thoughts. I teach it. It is at the core of the work I do.
For some reason, it never ceases to amaze me how true it really is.
Your thoughts matter. What you tell yourself and what you believe matters!
And of course this is not simply true on the mat. My yoga practice is here to remind me to ‘mind my mind’ and bring what I learn on the mat into my life and relationships.
So for today, my mantra is “I am strong and in control.”
How about you?
Where do you need to feel strength and control in your life and relationships?
Is there an area of your life calling for strength? I know you have it in you to do the thing you need to do, say the thing you need to say or not do or say the thing.
Strength and control don’t always mean pushing through. Sometimes it takes control to resist saying the thing or doing the thing.
Learning to discern HOW to use your strength and exercise control is key.
I have 1 coaching spot available if you are ready to build those muscles and create lasting and meaningful shifts in your life.
Reach out here to grab your spot.
PS: My FREE monthly Meditation Salon meets THIS MORNING at 8am CT. Register here to join now and plant a seed of patience with me.
Annmarie Chereso
Author, Speaker, Coach, & Meditation Teacher
“Annmarie helped me move from the unconscious to the conscious in my parenting. By looking at stuck patterns that warranted the same undesired results, Annmarie helped me become more aware of not only my kids behavior but my own. Because of her, I was able to shift out of auto pilot and create meaningful change for the whole family.”