Lessons In Love and Letting Go
February 11, 2024
I am leaving town for 16 days this month and had planned to have a month’s worth of “love” content all set and ready to go so that my absence was seamless; you, my readers, had something “valuable” to read, and my work did not ‘suffer.’
That, however, did not happen.
Instead, I came down with a virus and had to, once again, slow down, rest, and take it easy. Just as I was feeling a bit better, my dog tore her ACL and I had to put some attention on her.
As I am sure you can relate, I’ve constructed my life like a house of cards; everything remains stable until one thing goes awry, triggering a domino effect.
And then I saw it again. The ever-insistent message.
Trust Annmarie, let it go. There is a plan. Go with the flow.
On Monday, February 12th, I leave town for 16 days in the jungle with the Achuar people of the Ecuadorian Amazon.
I will be without all the creature comforts I’ve become accustomed to living as a modern US citizen; like indoor plumbing, a comfy mattress, technology, and of course the people I love and adore.
I am excited about it and I am aware of fear, anxiety and some resistance about all the unknowns that I am stepping into.
What will it be like sleeping in a hut outdoors with mosquito netting and no plumbing? How will I navigate the bugs and creatures of the jungle? Will I go crazy away from technology, my yoga mat, my pets and uber eats? Will I miss my familiar meals and tolerate the altitude well? What if I get sick? Can I handle the hiking and long treks through the jungle? How will I wash my hair with no hot running water, or my really lovely luxury shampoo?
Most of all, how on earth can I go 16 days without talking to my kids?????? I have never been unable to communicate with my kids for this length of time. Ever.
As I sink into the reality of this trip I realize that this is a giant invitation for me to surrender even more deeply into trusting life.
The house will be okay, the pets will manage, the newsletter will get done or not, the kids(who are all young adults btw!) will be fine. Life will go on and it will all work itself out.
Trust, Annmarie. Trust.
Over the last 30 years I have been practicing leaning into the feminine principles of surrender. Reflecting on my past I can see how all my relationships and my life have been my most valuable teachers.
And I can see that this trip and all that comes with preparing for it, is simply another invitation for me to face my fears, let go and learn to surrender.
Life keeps inviting me to practice.
And I hope you do too.
Where are you too comfortable in your life and relationships? Where in your life are you afraid to let go? What are you holding onto that may be holding you back? What are you resisting changing that might need to change? What plan have you made that could be getting in your way or a necessary change?
So here I go.
Thank you for reading. I look forward to sharing more with you when I return.
With love and gratitude,
Annmarie Chereso
Author, Speaker, Coach, & Meditation Teacher
“My favorite thing about Annmarie Chereso is her brilliance at bringing focus back to the here and now – through attention to the breath and body.“